Help with Depression Can Bring You From Shadows to Sunshine

Tailored Support for Life Beyond Depression

Recognizing that no two paths are the same, we offer bespoke therapeutic solutions designed to meet you where you are and guide you toward where you want to be. Our approach goes beyond managing symptoms; it’s about understanding the root causes of your depression, empowering you with coping mechanisms that work for you, and helping you rebuild a life filled with joy, purpose, and connection.

Through a combination of evidence-based practices and supportive counseling, we aim to unlock your potential for a brighter, more fulfilling future. Let us walk with you as you discover strength you didn’t know you had and possibilities you’ve yet to imagine, crafting a life that’s not just free from depression but rich in satisfaction and meaning.

Transforming Lives Touched by Depression

Find Your Path to Joy

Unlock the door to joy and brightness as treatment sheds light on the shadows of depression, guiding you toward a path filled with hope and happiness.

Reignite Passion and Purpose

Treatment helps rekindle your inner flame, reigniting the passions and purposes dulled by depression, and inspiring a life lived with vibrant enthusiasm.

Find Clearer Visions of Tomorrow

Lift the veil of depression and see tomorrow with clearer vision, as treatment empowers you to face the future with renewed optimism and strength.

Find The Freedom to Be Yourself

Treatment offers the key to unlocking the chains of depression, granting you the freedom to be your true self, unburdened and uninhibited.

We accept Medicare and other insurance providers,

contact us for more information.



Fill out our contact form. We're ready to listen and guide you forward.



Schedule a chat to discuss your needs and how we can support your journey.



Book your first session and embark on your path to personal growth with us.

Our sessions are designed to be a place where you’re free to express yourself without fear.

Safe Haven Therapy & Coaching

Psychotherapist & Mental Health Counseling in Philadelphia



  • In-Person Services: 822 Pine Street Philadelphia, PA 19107
  • Services Provided Virtually Throughout Pennsylvania and Florida