Build a Hopeful Future Beyond Trauma

Reclaim Your Story

Trauma may have played a significant role in shaping your past, but it doesn’t have to define your future. Our dedicated approach to trauma therapy focuses on empowering you to rewrite the chapters of your life with courage, resilience, and hope. By providing a safe and supportive space, we guide you through the process of understanding and integrating your experiences, helping you to see beyond the pain and recognize your strength and capacity for change.

Together, we work towards healing, not just by moving past the trauma, but by weaving it into a story of triumph and transformation. Reclaiming your story means rediscovering your voice, reclaiming your power, and stepping into a future where you are the author of your own life.

Trauma Therapy Can Move You From Surviving to Thriving

Rebuilding Self After Trauma

Engage in a therapeutic process that helps piece together the fragments left by trauma, fostering a renewed sense of wholeness and self-integrity.

Renewing Safe Connections

Discover how treatment can restore your ability to trust, opening the door to forming safe and meaningful connections with others and with yourself.

Unveil Your Inner Strength

Uncover and fortify your inner strength through targeted trauma therapy, revealing an enduring resilience that propels you forward.

Making Sense of Traumatic Experiences

Engage in a therapeutic process that helps you make sense of traumatic experiences, enabling a deeper understanding and integration of your past.

We accept Medicare and other insurance providers,

contact us for more information.



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Schedule a chat to discuss your needs and how we can support your journey.



Book your first session and embark on your path to personal growth with us.

Our sessions are designed to be a place where you’re free to express yourself without fear.

Safe Haven Therapy & Coaching

Psychotherapist & Mental Health Counseling in Philadelphia



  • In-Person Services: 822 Pine Street Philadelphia, PA 19107
  • Services Provided Virtually Throughout Pennsylvania and Florida